Frequently Asked Questions

Why Can’t I comment on J P’s weird blogs?

Excellent question. We don’t have an option to comment as it is not our main focus. If you Really want to comment on one of JP’s blogs, feel free to send a comment via the Contact Us Form.

What is Big Island Book Fest?

Big Island Book Fest is a market style festival for authors on Vancouver Island and surrounding area. It is hosted by H Wilson Books and is held at the Florence Filberg Centre in Courtenay in October. For more information, email hwilsonbooks@telus.net with “BIBF” in subject line. see www.bigislandbookfest.com. BIBF is on hold. if you wish to enquire about firing up BIBF, kindly write to HWilsonBooks at hwilsbonbooks@telus.net

Do you give a discount for curbside pick-up?

Yes, residents of the Comox Valley area can get a 10% discount for curbside pickup. Email hwilsonbooks@telus.net for information.

I have self-published a children’s book but I don’t know how to get it out to the world? Would H Wilson Books carry it on their website for me?

Email hwilsonbooks@telus.net to discuss possible options for using H Wilson Books as an outlet for your book.

I live in Mexico. Can I get one of your books?

Yo vivo en Mexico. ¿Cómo puedo obtener uno de tus libros?

Si vives en el área de Los Cabos puedes ordenar "There's a Tuba in my Kitchen" y o “Oh Fiddle Oh Faddle” en la opción "San José Pick Up" y recoger tu libro en San José. 

Si quieres que enviemos uno a otra parte de México, el costo son $11 dólares canadienses por el envío desde Canadá. Por favor escríbenos a hwilsonbooks@telus.net para más información o si las opciones que busca no se enumeran aquí. 

OTRA OPCIÓN es que el libro "There's a Tuba in my Kitchen" y o “Of Fiddle Oh Faddle” se envíe desde San José por paquetería. Escríbenos para más detalles al correo mencionado anteriormente. Gracias. Solo para recoger este libro en la acera, (Oh Fiddle Oh Faddle), use el código de descuento SJPUOF15.

El costo de envío de los demás libros es de $11 dólares canadienses, enviado desde Canadá solamente. Envíenos un correo electrónico para conocer los costos de enviar 2 o más.

If you live in the San Jose del Cabo area, you can order “There’s a Tuba in my Kitchen” and or “Oh Fiddle Oh Faddle” from the “San Jose Pick Up” option and pick up your book in San Jose del Cabo with safe curbside pickup. Use Discount Code SJPUOF15 if ordering Oh Fiddle Oh Faddle only. If you do not live in the Cabo area, and you want one shipped, the cost to ship to Mexico is $11 Canadian. Please email hwilsonbooks@telus.net for more information or if the options you seek are not listed. ALTERNATIVELY, a (There’s a tuba in my kitchen or Oh Fiddle Oh Faddle) book can be mailed to you from San Jose. Email us for details. Use above email address or use contact form. Thank you. For other books, the shipping is $11 to Mexico for one, and please email us for costs to mail 2 or more.

Are your illustrators for hire?

Yes, both David and Ana Sofia are for hire for any illustrating needs you may have. See “About Us” for contact information.

Do you have any more books coming out?

We just released There’s a Trombone in My Toolshed. We do not have any projects on the go.

Are your books known internationally?

Our books are in libraries in Ireland, and in B.C., and Alberta (Canada), and in a kindergarten in New Zealand. We have buyers in the United States and Mexico. We also have books for sale in the British Virgin Islands.

Where in the Comox Valley area can I buy your books?

Currently the Compass Gift Store in the Comox Airport carries all our titles. We welcome enquiries from local sellers.

I like your website. How do I get a similar website built?

We hired Objektiv Digital in Courtenay B.C.. We are using the Squarespace platform but there are many other platforms including do-it-yourself products. Ian and staff at Objektiv were great to work with. We highly recommend Ian. You may now find Ian at Curious Markings.

Where does J.P. get her ideas?

Baboons with Bassoons and There’s a Tuba in my Kitchen were inspired by her children, both musicians. There’s a Tuba in my Kitchen is based on true events (J.P. ’s son often left his tuba in the kitchen and it blocked the use of the stove, or range as she likes to call it). Oh Fiddle Oh Faddle just came to her out of the blue one day. “Usually”, says J.P. “ ideas just come to me in one grand idea, and I have to scribble them down quickly”. J.P. says, “if you want to write, just look around at everyday things and pick something that amuses you, or something that annoys you and turn it into something amusing. Write down every thought and observation… sometimes they don’t gel until later. Do not compare yourself to others. You are unique and your work will be unique.”

Do you have anything else to offer besides children’s books?

We have a 14 poem unpublished work that Bailey wrote, that goes with Camille Saint-Saëns’ Carnival of the Animals. It is available for lease for orchestras who wish to have readings along with the 14 movements. Contact us for more information, or for a sample of the work, at hwilsonbooks@telus.net